The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Podcast #21: The Spirits of Synchronicity

Podcast #21: The Spirits of Synchronicity

Learning to listen like Russell Crowe does to The Film Gods

Psychology calls it synchronicity. Spirituality and shamanism may call it direct communication from the spirits.

Either way, these events hold meaning, power, and a personal kind of magic in them. This is why, back in my days of active addiction, I chased them in pursuit of more.

Now in recovery, “more” can happen through clean intention, sacred ritual, and right action. 

In this episode of The Sober Shaman Podcast, we explore exactly how to do this and start from a place of:

  1. Removing the excess

  2. Learning to listen

  3. Merging with spirit

This is Big Medicine for our times, for our health, and for helping to break the cycle of addiction once and for all.

Do you have a synchronicity that you know in your bones was spirit communicating with you? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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With Blessings,

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The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Exploring ways to transform addiction by making the spiritual practical.