The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Podcast #18: Addiction & the Qi of Lies

Podcast #18: Addiction & the Qi of Lies

What are the health ramifications of being untruthful? Plus a free exercise direct from The Program.

You know the feeling…that moment when you say the lie out loud. 

It’s as though one part of you is listening to another part tell it. You’re judging the words as they come out of your mouth. You’re evaluating how the person you’re telling receives it.

When the lie is “successful,” you say to yourself, “Whew! Looks like they’re buying into it. Let’s keep this going.”

What does that feel like? 

What does that do to you?

What are the ramifications for your health?

Let’s explore.

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Lesson 11 of The Program explores the subject of Truth vs. Lies in detail. As with all 52 Lessons, it includes:

  • PDF Workbook

  • 3 Instructional Videos

  • Guided Medicine Journey

  • Shamanic wRites Exercise

  • 3 Points - Summary PDF

  • Notes from the Lab (for practitioners)

To accompany this podcast episode, I’m including the first Medicine Journey from this Lesson for free. That way, you can get a feel for the power of this work and decide whether you’d like to go deeper.

Find this week’s podcast episode in the audio above or the video below. Listen to the accompanying Medicine Journey here:


To get full access to all 52 Lessons, subscribe for free here:

With Blessings,

You can watch this episode of The Sober Shaman on YouTube here.

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The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Exploring ways to transform addiction by making the spiritual practical.