The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Podcast #19: Holistic Addiction Recovery & a Shamanic Journey to The Web of Lies

Podcast #19: Holistic Addiction Recovery & a Shamanic Journey to The Web of Lies

Disentangling oneself through the awareness, power, and practical spirituality of the journey

If someone’s engaged in active addiction, they’re also engaged in active lying.

This includes lies they’ve told others as well as ones they’re telling themselves—untangling the two can get complicated.

In today’s podcast episode, I discuss one method for freeing ourselves from The Web of Lies. Through the practice of shamanic journeying, it offers medicine in the form of awareness, experience, and practical spirituality.

Basics, examples, practice

If you’re new to shamanic journeying and want to learn the basics, find them here: The Shamanic Journey and Addiction Recovery - Part 1.

If you’d like to hear an example of what a journey might look like, give a listen to today’s podcast at the video link above.

And if you’re ready to undertake the Medicine Journey to The Web of Lies for yourself (without my voice guiding you), here’s an audio drumming file and some follow-up questions:



Write down the answers to these questions upon your return:

  • Did you feel called to travel to the UpperWorld (UW) or LowerWorld (LW)?

  • Describe the place of your entrance into the UW or LW?

  • Was this a new place or known place?

  • Who did you meet?

  • Were they new or known?

  • When you asked to be taken to The Web of Lies, how did you get there?

  • What did The Web of Lies appear to you as?

  • What were your first impressions?

  • Did it feel familiar?

  • What information did you get?

  • Was there anything that you needed to do?

  • If so, did you do it? How’d it go? Do you need to follow up in Ordinary Reality? Who can help? What do you need to do?

  • What did you learn from this Medicine Journey to The Web of Lies?

Back to you.

If you participated in the Medicine Journey using the above audio, how’d it go? What did you receive?

If you’d like to share any insights, medicine, and power you received during your journey to The Web of Lies (or thoughts on today’s podcast), I’d love to hear. Please share in the comments.

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And if you found this helpful, please hit the little like button and consider becoming a subscriber (it’s free).

With Blessings,

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The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Exploring ways to transform addiction by making the spiritual practical.