The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Podcast #17: Addiction & the Fog of Lies

Podcast #17: Addiction & the Fog of Lies

Cutting through the fog with clarity, honesty, and experience

Addiction originates from a lie. It grows, solidifies, and then perpetuates itself through the creation, telling, and spreading of more and more lies.

To keep this viscous cycle of untruth rolling, an active addiction must keep the light of awareness, honesty, and truth from entering into one’s consciousness and reality.

This can leave someone feeling like they’re stuck in a fog.

The path ahead is unclear, healthy options cannot be seen, help is ambiguous, fuzzy, and out-there-somewhere. 

In this episode, we’ll take a look at two case studies from my clinical practice, showcasing ways to cut through the fog, gain clarity, and accumulate the medicine of healthy experience. 

We’ll use a metaphor from Everyday Spy, which makes use of CIA training for everyday life.

We’ll also draw on the Traditional Chinese Medicine concept of Phlegm, and how it can mist, or fog, the orifices of the Heart.

Can you relate to the fog of lies?

So, one of the things we do to cut through that fog is to provide a different perspective.

To provide a different experience.

Experience changes belief.

You can watch this episode of The Sober Shaman on YouTube here

Let me know what you think in the comments or shoot me an email at 


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The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Exploring ways to transform addiction by making the spiritual practical.