
Your Guide to the Shamanic Journey

Receive Knowledge, Information and Healing Power Directly from Spirit

If this is your first time visiting, welcome to The Sober Shaman!

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to undertake a successful shamanic journey. It’s a step-by-step instructional course that'll show you how to meet your own helping and compassionate spirits, and then how to receive the knowledge, information and healing power that directly relates to your personal situation.

At The Sober Shaman, we use the shamanic journey to transform addiction and heal trauma. We’ll shed some light on how we do exactly this and provide an introduction to that topic.

To begin, all you need to do is become a free subscriber and you'll gain immediate access to the course. After signup, you’ll automatically get the Welcome email that contains The Guide.

You’ll receive the 58-page colorful PDF, an accompanying page-by-page guided video, and the audio file of the drumming that leads you on the shamanic journey.

These are yours to download and keep regardless of how long you stay a member, so please utilize them whenever you’d like to receive the gifts that are waiting for you on the journey!

Get Your Guide to the Shamanic Journey now

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