Stop Searching. Start Trusting.
Trust the truths that speak to your heart, touch your soul, and reside in your bones.
When making the leap from addiction to early recovery, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by all the “proven and effective” ways we should do it.
I know. I listened to plenty of professionals and experts who told me what I should, needed, and had to do.
And yet, something was missing.
For me back then (more than 30 years ago now), as well as for many of my clients, “what’s missing” is the spiritual component. I’m not talking about some woo-woo ambiguity or a thou-shalt-not-do-these-things list. I’m talking about a feeling deep within—a knowing that resonates as rock-solid truth. This is what we need to acknowledge, listen to, and understand.
This is what needs to be trusted.
When we do this, it gives us access to, and the ability to receive benefits from, the realm of spirit.
This is exactly what we do here at The Sober Shaman. We make the spiritual practical. We follow a detailed map of the path ahead, leading step-by-step through every exercise. You arrive back from your journey with the information, knowledge, and healing power that applies to your personal situation.
Free subscribers to newsletter receive automatic access to two foundational courses: The Guide & The Program. Just click the button below to sign up, and you’ll receive the links in the Welcome email.
Podcast / Audio
For a deep dive into why we should “Stop Searching, Start Trusting,” listen to the latest episode of The Sober Shaman Podcast here:
If you’re already a subscriber
I appreciate you! and to make things easier, I’ve put direct links to the two courses below:
The Guide
The Sober Shaman’s Guide to the Shamanic Journey provides an introduction to the shamanic journey and step-by-step instructions for undertaking a journey on your own.
The Program
The Program is a year-long, 52-lesson course jam-packed with a variety of ways to stay interested in and actively engaged with ongoing sobriety.
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You may be brand new
…again, I just want to say thank you. And provide the above links for easy access.
If you’re a current client
…thanks for your continued trust and hard work, and these links should make it easier for us to access when we need it, too.
If you’re a professional
…and have clients who could benefit from this approach, please forward it on. The work sparks interest, can keep them engaged between your sessions, and offers new ways of approaching challenges when they get stuck.
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With Blessings,