The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
#12: Spirits Are Real. Let’s Write That Way.

#12: Spirits Are Real. Let’s Write That Way.

AI, beliefs, and talking to the Spirits of Addiction

As AI slams into the cultural zeitgeist, we’re getting an introduction to the bizarre and glimpses of the inevitable. We’re talking fake news dropping from politicians’ computer-generated mouths, your favorite famous person showing up in deep-fake porn, and viral images that seem real—but are they?

This is all before the next wave, when neural links will blur the line even more. So, what’s real?

And, regardless of what’s real, what’s stronger? Belief or reality?

This podcast is a companion episode to the Substack newsletter of the same name. Inside here, we go into a lot more detail around these subjects, as well as using shamanism for addiction treatment in general.

In that written post, you’ll find a guided Shamanic wRites exercise, as well as an audio file of just drums if you’re good to go on your own.

Also, here’s a link to the video of the podcast:

Either way, if you’d like to leave a comment on your take that spirits are real or share what you received from the exercise, I’d love to hear what you’ve got!

With Blessings, Randal

The Sober Shaman
The Sober Shaman
Exploring ways to transform addiction by making the spiritual practical.